What is communication and its barriers and how many tpes of communications?


“Communication is an art of information, ideas, and attitudes that transfer from one person to another.”

Communications are basically ‘messages’. A message has to be created, sent, and then received and it must generate response: if it does not, then it has failed.

What is communication and its barriers and how many tpes of communications?

Barriers to Communication

Making assumptions

The receiver already knows


Time pressure

Lack of experience and practices

Lack of attention to communications issues

Poor equipment or means of sending messages

What is communication and its barriers and how many tpes of communications?

Types of Communications

Verbal Communications

Non-Verbal Communications

Verbal Communications

Using spoken words

Face to face conversation

During interviews

Telephonic conversation

Public announcement system

What is communication and its barriers and how many tpes of communications?
What is communication and its barriers and how many tpes of communications?

Non-Verbal Communication

Written communications (Report, e-mail, notices, policy documents, etc)

Graphical communications (pictures, symbols, safety signs, etc)

What is communication and its barriers and how many tpes of communications?
What is communication and its barriers and how many tpes of communications?

Forms of Safety Communications

Safety signs

Warning lights




Colour coding

Lock-out/ Tag out


Job-specific written instructions and procedures



What is communication and its barriers and how many tpes of communications?
What is communication and its barriers and how many tpes of communications?

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