What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR?

First Aid 

At any time treatment injury due to cuts, scratches, burns, splinters or other minor industrial injury does not require medical and does not require medical care.

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR
What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR?

First Aid Requirements

It is the duty of the organization to provide appropriate First aid services for their employees. Following are the requirements of the employees to be fulfilled in any Organization.

Personal training for the staff to deliver the first aid treatment

Provide facilities of the appropriate location where first aid treatment can be given.

Provide first aid equipment where it is required.

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR
What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR


A rescue is an act of saving someone from the danger, harm, or trouble.

In other words, rescue implies freeing from imminent danger by prompt or vigorous action. The basic purpose of rescueoperationsn is to shift the victim to a safe area (first aid post or hospital).

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR
What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR

First Aid if Breathing Stop

Observe breathing of the victim, if normal leave it.

Open the airway by tilting the victim’s head backwards.

Otherwise restore the breathing by mouth to mouth resuscitation method, if you can.

Place hima  in comfortable position.

Get medical help.

Monitor his / her vital signs.

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR
What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR


CPR means reviving from apparent death or unconsciousness. In other words, CPR is the combination of chest compression and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR
What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR

CPR Procedure

Danger: identify the hazard around the victim and remove the danger.

Response: Check the response from the victim side by asking questions. If the victim is not respond, check the pulse to ensure breathing.

Call for Help: if breathing is not found, Call for Rescue.

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR
What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR

Air way: Open the air way and remove any external material if air is blocked .check the breathing again.

If no breathing, give two rescue breaths and check it again. If there is no sign of breathing then start CPR.

Compression: Place palm at the center of the chest and start compression at the rate of 100 compressions / minutes and give 2 inches deep chest pushes

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR?

Breath: After 30 compressions, gives 2 breaths through the mouth or blowing equipment.Replace this cycle 30 compressions/2 breathes until the medical help will be arrived.

AED: If the victim is still not started breathing, use an automated External Defibrillation device

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR?


Bleeding , or hemorrhage, is the name used to described blood loss, it can refer to blood loss inside the body, called internal bleeding. Or it can refer to blood loss outside of the body, called external bleeding.

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR
What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR

First Aid Procedure

Apply pressure directly over the wound with a clean cloth or your hand.

Elevate the injured part unless a fracture is suspected.

If bleeding cannot be controlled or internal bleeding suspected, get medical help.

Treat for shock.

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR
What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR


Determine potential for internal bleeding

Pale, cool, clammy skin, increased /weak pulse rate.

Restless, thirsty or nauseated

Let the victim lie down with feet elevated and keep warm.

In extreme cases, unconsciousness 


A Fracture is the medical term for a broken bone. Fractures are common: the average person has two during a lifetime. They occur when the physical force exerted on the bone is stronger than the bone itself.

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR
What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR

Swelling or bruising over a bone.

Deformity of an arm or a leg.

Immobility or or twisting of injured area.

Loss of functions in injured area.

In open fractures, bone protruding from the skin.

Pain in the injured area that gets worse when the area is moved or pressure is applied.


Do not move the victim

Use splints to keep broken bones ends together

Move the victim to the hospital

What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR
What is First aid and what do you mean by CPR

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