Incidents and their types?

Incidents & their types

Incident :

Any event that has happened or occurred is also known as an incident.

There are two types of incidents

1. Accident

2. Near Miss

Accidents and their types
Accidents and their types

Accident :

An undesired and uncontrolled that results in harm to the people, property, environment, or process is also known as an accident result.


Accidents and their types
Accidents and their types

Near Miss :

Any incident which had the potential to cause harm damage or injured or/loss but was avoided by the circumstances.

Accidents and their types
Accidents and their types

What Circumstances may lead to accidents?

Unsafe Conditions

Incompetence of workforce

Insufficient Supervision

Hazards arrangements of tools machines and equipment

Inadequate warning system

Inadequate guards and barricading

Access and egress is not clear

Fire and explosion hazards


Poor illumination

Poor ventilation


Bad weather

Poor housekeeping

Uneven ground

Accidents and their types
Accidents and their types

Unsafe Acts

Failure to use PPES

Operating without Authority

Failure to secure material property in store

Failure to signal or warn

Operating at unsafe speeds

Removing Safety devices

Using defective Safety devices

Using defective equipment

Repair of equipment in operation

Violation of HSE rules





Over Confidence

Accidents and their types
Accidents and their types

Dangerous Occurrence :

Any unplanned and undesired event that is reported to the relevant authorities by the law is also known as a dangerous occurrence

Accidents and their types
Accidents and their types

































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