What will happen if we do not abide by OHSP (Occupational Health & Safety Procedure)?

Moral Argument :

Workers are the real assets of the Company.it is the responsibility of an Organization a moral duty to provide a safe system of work, a safe workplace, safe equipment, and a safe environment to the workforce. Thousands of people daily arrive in the plants, and factories for just concern about earning and living. Employees expect that he will go after work safely to his home. if any unexpected incident occurs with the employees. Then in this way, accidents not only affect the worker but also affect their family, friends, and Colleagues. Hospital treatment and family expenses will no to get by . but the family may starve to death. They do not meet with the injuries. injuries always indicate a negative impact on the workers and Company. Workers who witness an accident may remain in shock for a long time .so their mental and physical health can also be damaged. So it's an Employer’s responsibility to provide a safe workplace that is hazard-free and duty is fulfilled.it is morally unacceptable to society and as a whole demands that people should be safe whilst at work.

What will happen if we do not abide by OHSP (Occupational Health & Safety Procedure)
What will happen if we do not abide by OHSP (Occupational Health & Safety Procedure)

Financial Argument :

When accidents happen or occur then the Companies and workers may face financial problems. if a worker is the only earning hand in the family, after the accident, his or her family will be in huge disguise and they will certainly face financial problems. On the other hand, the company may face different types of financial losses. We can Categories them in this way.

Direct Cost: Measurable cost arising from an accident (Company may face direct cost in the form of first-aid expense, hospitalization, new worker recruitment, first aid facility, sick pay overtime payment, Compensation cost .)

 Indirect Cost: indirect cost comprises the cost of (Company may encounter different types of indirect cost like loss of contracts, loss of products,  lost production time, building loss, face value loss, and loss of reputation

Enforcement Cost (to deal with the legal challenges, the Company may hire a lawyer, court fines, and Civil and criminal claims payments are counted in this type of cost.

What will happen if we do not abide by OHSP (Occupational Health & Safety Procedure)?

Insured Cost;

Injury cost, Ill health cost, and cost of damage.

Un-insured Cost;

Material damage, Equipment damage, Building damage, Legal cost, and Fines.

What will happen if we do not abide by OHSP (Occupational Health & Safety Procedure)?

Legal Argument :  

Every Company has to follow international and national laws to meet Safety standards and to make the work and workers should be safe. Organization Company Complies with the international (ILO Conventions and Recommendations C155)and national standard of health and safety .in the case of Non-Compliance.

According to this law if the Company does not manage properly health and safety then Company may face legal notice for improvements from the court and may order to stop the plant working or prosecution .in some cases like in case of catastrophic accidents. The court may order imprisonment or send into jail the employer or responsible person. The company may lose civil claims and criminal claims and may pay a huge amount for compensation .in this way Company's reputation and face value will be also lost.   

What will happen if we do not abide by OHSP (Occupational Health & Safety Procedure)
What will happen if we do not abide by OHSP (Occupational Health & Safety Procedure)

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