What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions ?


Radiations is the transmission of energy in the form of waves or particles through a material medium.

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions
What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions 

Types of Radiations:

Ionizing radiations

These radiations are high energy particles and more harmful for the environment e.g Alpha, Beta, Gamma, X-rays and neutrons.

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions
What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions 

Non-Ionizing radiations

These radiations are low energy particles and less harmful for the environment e.g Ultraviolet, infrared, radio waves, micro waves, & laser.

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions
What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions 


Radiography is a process in which energetic particles or energetic waves/ ionizing radiations usually (x-rays, or gamma rays) travel through a medium or space of a metal or a variety of microwaves products, and an image is produced when the test object is exposed to these rays Radiography is used to know the internal structure of the metal, ensure product reliability of  and for the detection of the cracks in the metal object.

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions ?

Hazards of Radiations

Radiation sickness (radiation poisoning) if the dose is fatal, death usually occurs with two months.

Loss of hair

Eye cataracts

Skin reddening, blistering & ulceration


Nausea, vomiting, and leukemia

Cancer as leukemia, cancer skin, etc

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions
What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions 

Precaution for Radiations

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions ?

Technical Advice:

Consult radiation protection adviser to assist in radiation control.

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions
What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions 

Monitoring of Exposure:

Environmental or personal monitoring by

Film Badges- after the fact measurement, developed weekly or monthly

Geiger counter-best for high energy beta, gamma

Scintillation counter- used for wipe Surveys

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions ?

Proper Disposal:

Of radioactive wastes and affected PPE

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions
What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions 

Training and Supervision:

Train and supervise workers dealing with ionizing radiation such as radiographers at sites

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions ?

Good personal Hygiene Practices:

Washing and showering after work.

There are three factors to control exposure to radiation:

1. Time: Reducing the time of an exposure reduces the effective dose proportionally.

2. Distance: Increasing distance reduces dose. It is like handling a source with forceps rather than fingers.

3. Shielding: An effective barrier can provide needed protection from diarrhea like PPE, wall, screen, etc.

What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions
What is radiations or Radiography and its types hazards of radiations and its precautions 


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