What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help?


The severity of the shocks depends on the following factors

Path of current through the body.

Amount of current flowing through the body.

Duration of the shocking current through the body.

Frequency of the AC current.

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help
What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help

While waiting for medical helps follow these steps:

Turn off the source of electricity, if possible.

If not move the live cable away from the victim, using a wooden pole.

Cover the victim with a blanket and raise his legs slightly.

Begin Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Immediately if victim is not breathing.

The victim should see a doctor check for internal injuries, even if he has no obvious signs or symptoms.

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help
What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help


Unconsciousness is a state which occurs when the ability to maintain an awareness of self and environment is lost.

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help
What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help

Cause of Unconsciousness

Low blood sugar

Low blood pressure

Syncope ( loss of consciousness due to lack of blood flow to the brain )


Problems with heart rhythm.

Neurological syncope ( loss of consciousness caused by a seizure, stroke, or transient ischemic attack


Leave the victim lying down. Sprinkle water on his face. Seek medical attention.
What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help


Leave the victim lying down.

Sprinkle water on his face.

Seek medical attention.

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help
What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help


Heat stress is the elevated body heat caused by muscle use or by the environment. An increase of a 2 degrees Fahrenheit in body temperature can affect the brain and a 5-degree increase can result in falls, heart attack or death.

High temperature + High Humidity + Physical Work = Heat Stress

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help
What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help

Precautions of Heat Stress

Arrange a regular toolbox talk in hot weather.

Reduce the physical demands of workers by giving more breaks.

Wear light colored loose-fitting clothing such as cotton but not synthetic clothing.

Schedule heavy work during the cooler parts of the day.

Drink enough water that you never feel thirsty.

Monitor your physical conditions and that of your co-workers.light-colored

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help
What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help


Heat rash is a skin irritation caused by excessive sweating during hot, humid weather.

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help?


Looks like a red cluster of pimples or small blisters.


Work in a cooler, less humid environment when possible, dust powder.


Heat Exhaustion is a condition whose symptoms may include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse, a result of your body overheating.

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help
What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help


A condition marked by fever and often by unconsciousness, caused by the failure of the body’s temperature-regulating mechanism when exposed to excessively high temperatures.

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help?


Caused loss of water from the body.


Fainting, thirsty


Give plenty of water to the victim.

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help
What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help

What is Heart Attack?

A heart attack is caused when a portion of muscle losses his supply of blood partially or completely.

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help?

First Aid on Heart Attack

Call an Ambulance paramedics will arrive with in 10 minutes.

Don’t let the patient persuade you the problem is minor.

Message heart area, let him lie down with head slightly elevated

If properly trained and the need arises, begin CPR.

What is Electrical Shock and what are the steps required for medical help?

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