What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns?


A Burn is damage to the body’s tissues caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, sunlight, or radiation. Scalds from hot liquids and steam, building fires, and flammable liquids and gasses are the most common causes of burns.

What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns
What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns

Types of Burn

First degree burns are red, painful and will swell and little.

What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns
What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns

Second degree burns are thicker, very painful and produce blisters on the skin.

What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns?

Third degree burns white or charred cause damage to all layers of skin and may cause little or no pain because the underneath nerves are damaged.

What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns?

Fourth degree burns additionally involves injury to deeper tissues, such as muscle, tendons, or bone. 

What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns
What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns

Effects of burn

Burns can cause swelling, blistering, scarring and, in serious cases, shock and even death. They can also leads to infections because they damages your skin’s protective barrier.

What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns
What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns

Treatment of burn

Soak first and second-degree burns in Coldwater for 15 minutes followed by the application of antibiotic cream. Third-degree burns victim should be taken to the hospital.

What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns
What do you mean by Burn and how many types of Burns

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