What are the responsibilities of whole watcher or SBM ?


SBM must be properly trained to carry out the following responsibilities.

What are the responsibilities of whole watcher or SBM ?

Stay outside the confined space during any operation performed in confined space

Monitor a log register for the entrants.

Monitor all the activities to determine whether if it is safe or not for the entrants.

Does never leave his location of duty until relieved by another SBM.

Maintain continuous contact with authorized entrants.

Advises the entrants to leave the work area immediately in case of any emergency.

Maintain continuous contact with the emergency control room and gets help for the entrants in the vents of emergency

What are the responsibilities of whole watcher or SBM ?

The responsibilities of an SBM (Site-Based Management) or Whole Watcher can vary depending on the organization and the specific role they are assigned. Generally, an SBM or Whole Watcher is responsible for overseeing the operations and maintenance of a building or facility to ensure it is safe, clean, and operating efficiently.

Some of the specific responsibilities of an SBM or Whole Watcher may include:

Safety and security: Ensuring the safety and security of the building or facility by monitoring access, implementing security protocols, and conducting regular safety inspections to identify and address potential hazards.

What are the responsibilities of whole watcher or SBM ?

Maintenance and repairs: Ensuring the building or facility is well-maintained and operating efficiently by conducting routine maintenance and repairs on equipment, systems, and infrastructure.

Housekeeping and cleaning: Ensuring the building or facility is clean and well-maintained by managing housekeeping and cleaning staff, developing cleaning schedules, and overseeing the proper disposal of waste and hazardous materials.

What are the responsibilities of whole watcher or SBM ?

Energy management: Developing and implementing strategies to conserve energy, reduce utility costs, and improve the sustainability of the building or facility.

What are the responsibilities of whole watcher or SBM ?

Budget management: Developing and managing budgets for the operations and maintenance of the building or facility, including overseeing procurement the of supplies and equipment, tracking expenses, and ensuring compliance with financial policies and procedures.

What are the responsibilities of whole watcher or SBM ?

Communication and collaboration: Collaborating with other departments or stakeholders to coordinate building operations and maintenance activities, sharing information about building operations and maintenance, and responding to requests or concerns from building occupants.

What are the responsibilities of whole watcher or SBM ?

Compliance and regulation: Ensuring the building or facility is in compliance with all relevant regulations and standards, such as building codes, environmental regulations, and safety standards.

Overall, an SBM or Whole Watcher plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and sustainability of a building or facility. They must be knowledgeable about a wide range of building systems and processes, as well as regulations and best practices, and be able to effectively manage resources and collaborate with others to achieve organizational goals.

What are the responsibilities of whole watcher or SBM ?

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