What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment?


Risk is the combination of likelihood and severity that result in harm damage or a loss or injury that may result

   Risk = Likelihood of harm x Severity of injury (Consequences) 

             R = L * S 

What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment
What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

A Formalized process of identifying hazards, assessing the risk, and controlling and eliminating the risk is also known as risk assessment.

What are the steps to performing a Risk Assessment?

This is generally performed in 5 steps.

1. Identify Hazards

Visit the workplace to identify the potential hazard

Review injury/accident data / records

Listen for unusual Sounds and vibration

Smell for unusual odor

Ask questions when you are talking with the people and observe

Task Analysis: Analysis of job components before the job start

Legislation: Standards, guidance documents

Manufacturers information: Safe use, maintenance, cleaning

Incident data: Accidents, near misses, ill health

What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment
What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment

Task Analysis (SREDIM)

Select the task

Record the steps and stages of the task

Evaluate the risk associated with each step

Develop the safe working method

Implement the safe working method

Monitor to ensure it is effective 

What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment
What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment

2. Identify people who might to be harmed   

Identify the groups and populations who may be affected by the activities being carried out.


Maintenance staff



Members of the public                  

What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment
What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment

3. Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions

Evaluate the risk involved in the activities using the following factors.

Severity: Outcomes result of a hazardous event that is known as severity.

Likelihood: Chances of occurrence of a hazardous event is known as likelihood.

Depends on the general hierarchy of control based on (OHSAH 18001):



Engineering control

Administrative Control

Personal Protective Equipment

What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment?

4. Record the Significant data and implement them

Following of the typical contents of risk assessment

Identify the hazards

Identify the groups at risk

Evaluation of risk

Date of assessment and name of the competent person carrying out the risk assessment.

Review date

What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment
What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment

5. Review and update necessary

Risk assessments reviewed commonly on the annual basis by determining a frequency on  the basis of level of risk associated with the activity.it is also reviewed when the potential change occur in legislation, after an accident, manpower procedure, process, and technology or as advised by the enforcement authorities.

What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment
What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment

Difference between hazard and risk

A hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm to the people's property environment or process is also known as hazard. A risk is Chance of occurrence of a hazardous event that may be high or low. That any hazard will actually cause somebody harm.

What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment
What do you mean by risk and risk Assessment



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