What are the roles and responsibilities in Health and Safety?

The roles and responsibilities for health and safety vary depending on the organization, but generally, they include the following:

Employer’s responsibilities:

1. Provide workplaces and work equipment, and use work methods, which are safe and pose no risk to health.

2. provide appropriate instructions and training.

3. Provide a necessary adequate level of supervision.

4. Put in place health and safety arrangements adapted to suit the size and nature of the undertaking.

5. Provide any necessary personal protective equipment free of charge

6. Ensure that hours of work do not adversely affect employees’ health and safety.

7. Take measures to eliminate any extreme physical and mental fatigue. Stay up to date with knowledge in order to comply with it.

8. in this way, responsibility is placed directly on the employer. However, it is also recognized that individual workers have a critical part to play in keeping the workplace safe so workers are also given duties.

What are the roles and responsibilities in Health and Safety?

Worker’s Responsibilities: All the workers and their representatives have to cooperate with their employer so that they can fulfill their safety obligations.

1. Take reasonable care of their own safety and that of the other people who might be affected by the things that they do and the things that they fail to do.

2. Com[ply with safety instructions and procedures.

3. Use all safety equipment properly and do not tamper with it.

4. Report any situation which they believe could be a hazard and which they cannot themselves correct.

5. Report any work-related accident or ill health

What are the roles and responsibilities in Health and Safety?

Directors and Seniors Managers:

Directors and senior managers give an organization its direction and set its priorities. They decide what the organization does and how it does it. in effect, to the corporate body. They are, therefore, responsible for ensuring that all of the legal requirements that rest with the employer are met.

However, directors and senior managers are rarely involved in the day-to-day management of the operational side of the organization. Their role does not normally involve doing but rather setting the strategy and allocating resources. So, the responsibility of directors and senior managers is to ensure that:

1. The right health and safety policy is put in place.

2. Adequate resources are allocated to establish, implement and maintain the health and safety management system. This includes sufficient funding to deliver the objectives in the policy, but also competent personnel to assist in the delivery of the policy objectives.

3. The right organizational structures with clear roles and responsibilities are put in place

4. A director/senior manager is appointed with specific responsibility for health and safety so that it can be championed at the board level.

5. One or more competent persons are appointed to assist the organization in meetings health and safety obligations.

6. Contractors are engaged and managed correctly, demonstrating the organization’s health and safety responsibility to third parties.

7. The health and safety performance of the organization is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that the objectives are being achieved and that the objectives and measures in place remain valid.

8. Directors and senior managers can have enormous influence over their Organization and its priorities. This influence does not simply come from their strategic decision-making but also from the way they are perceived by those lower in the management hierarchy. They must demonstrate clear commitment and leadership with regard to health and safety.

What are the roles and responsibilities in Health and Safety?

Middle Managers and Supervisors:

Middle managers and supervisors are involved in the day-to-day operational running of the organization, so are responsible for the health and safety standards within the operations under their control. Their operational areas of responsibility are normally defined in their job description and in the organization’s health and safety policy documentation.

What are the roles and responsibilities in Health and Safety?

1. The line manager will be operationally responsible for the health and safety of:

2. The staff that work directly from them (their direct reports)

3. Staff lower down in the organizational chart(below their direct reports)

4. The areas and activities under their control.


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